Politik for cookies

Oplysninger om vores brug af cookies

Vores websted bruger cookies til at skelne mellem dig og webstedets andre brugere. Dette hjælper os med at give dig en god oplevelse, når du browser på vores websted og hjælper os også med at forbedre webstedet.

En cookie er en lille fil med bogstaver og tal, som vi gemmer på din browser eller din computers harddisk, hvis du indvilliger. Cookies indeholder oplysninger, der overføres til din computers harddisk. Med sessionscookies kan du gå fra side til side inde på vores websted, og alle oplysninger, du indtaster, huskes. Sessionscookies slettes, når du lukker browseren, eller efter kort tid. Med faste cookies kan vores websted huske dine præferencer og indstillinger indtil næste gang du besøger vores websted.

Vi bruger følgende cookies:

Cookie Name Description of its functionality Are personal data collected? Links for further information
Google Analytics _ga
We implement Google Analytics to collect information about how visitors use our website.
We use this information to help us to improve our website and the user experience.
Yes http://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html
Olapic __olapicU To be able to upload and show images of products placed by other people. No
Tealium utag_main Used to store system information, detailed info in the link No https://community.tealiumiq.com/t5/iQ-Tag-Management/Tealium-Cookies/ta-p/138
Salesforce Commerce Cloud dwanonymous_* Commerce Cloud cookies used to distinguish one customer from another. Preserve customer information, preferences, basket etc. Yes, Customer IDs and settings
Salesforce Commerce Cloud dwsecuretoken_* Commerce Cloud cookie to indicate a secure session. Any https traffic is handshaked against this cookie to prevent session spoofing No
Salesforce Commerce Cloud dwsid Commerce Cloud session id No
Salesforce Commerce Cloud sid Session id No
Salesforce Commerce Cloud dwpersonalization_* Used for page personalization during multi variate testing Yes
Salesforce Commerce Cloud dwac_* Commerce Cloud analytics cookie No
CQuotient cqcid First party cookie; contains a hashed ID for an anonymous user Yes
CQuotient cqcid First party cookie; contains a hashed ID for a known, logged-in user Yes
CQuotient uuid Third party cookie (on cquotient.com), contains a randomly generated ID No
CQuotient __cq_uuid First party version of cquotient.com uuid No
CQuotient __cqact First party cookie; contains activities that are queued up and sent from the browser, and is deleted immediately upon sending. No
CQuotient bc Third party cookie (on cquotient.com), contains activity history, such as the last 10 products viewed by the shopper Yes, last activity based on clicks
CQuotient __cq_bc First party version of bc cookie (described above) No
CQuotient __cq_seg First party cookie; contains segment information for personalized search No
CQuotient __cqviews First party cookie; contains the last viewed recommendations to detect clicks, immediately deleted upon sending No

Du blokerer cookies ved at aktivere den indstilling i din browser, hvormed du kan nægte at afsætte alle eller nogle cookies. Hvis du imidlertid bruger dine browserindstillinger til at blokere alle cookies (inklusive essentielle cookies), kan du måske ikke tilgå hele vores websted eller dele af det.